Purchase Orders Overview:
When merchants need to restock or add new merchandise, they create and send temporary documents called purchase orders (POs) to suppliers. A PO typically includes the following information:
• The supplier’s company name, address, and phone number.
• Order, shipping, and cancel dates, and special shipping instructions if necessary.
• A list of the items to be ordered and information about those items, including description, price,
cost, and the quantity ordered.
• The total cost of the order, including discounts, fees, and taxes.
The merchandise ordered on a PO is added into inventory when the merchandise has been received on a voucher referencing that PO. The permanent record of the items purchased is provided by receiving vouchers.
There are two types of POs: Drop Ship POs and Marked For POs.
Drop Ship POs : Use Drop Ship POs to order merchandise that will be shipped directly to the stores where it will be sold.
Marked For POs : Use Marked For POs to order merchandise that will be shipped to one location, typically a central warehouse.
Before we look at how to how to add, edit and delete a Purchase order in Uprow, let’s take a look at the Purchase order section in Uprow itself, to give you an overview on what’s on the screen so as to better familiarize yourself with it.
To begin, select Purchase > Purchase and navigate to the Purchase Orders screen.
This is where you’ll find all your existing Purchase Orders, and where you’ll be able to add new Purchase orders.
Purchase Order List View:
The PO List View is in reference to the columns occupying this section.
This is where you can select which all columns you want to see in your PO list view.
How to Create PO in Uprow
1. To create a PO, go to Purchase > Purchase > Purchase Orders on the left sidebar.
2. Click on the + New Purchase Order button placed on top of the purchase orders window to create
a new purchase order.
3. In the PO Type field, choose either drop ship or marked for.
4. Select the Supplier from the dropdown list.
5. Enter the PO Payment Terms from the list to define when you will pay for the current purchase.
6. Enter the reference doc number if any.
7. Enter the shipping and Expiry dates.
8. Select how you want to do the tax calculation.
9. List the items you want to order. Repeat the following until you add all the items that you want
to purchase.
a. Press ENTER to select the item from the Item Selection pop-up.
The price details of the item appears in Basic Rate, Purchase Rate, Sale Rate and the
MRP (Maximum Retail Price).
b. Specify the Qty you want to order.
c. If need, change the prices Basic Rate, Purchase Rate, sale Rate, MRP, Item Disc % or
Discount Amount , if any.
10. To remove an item added wrongly to the PO,
a. Press bin icon on the respective item row. Delete confirmation appears.
b. Click OK in the delete confirmation.
11. If you expect any PO level discounts, click on Discount and specify the Disc% (Cash Discount
percent) or the Disc Amt (Cash Discount Amount).
How to Edit a Purchase Order in Uprow
To edit a PO in Uprow, all you need to head to the Purchase order List View ( Purchase > Purchase > Purchase Orders , accessed via the Uprow menu), and select the PO you want to edit, click on the pencil icon to edit the PO.
This will open the page that you used to create the PO, with all the necessary details. Once you’ve completed your changes, click on SAVE to finalize your changes.
How to Cancel a PO in Uprow
To Cancel a PO in Uprow, all you need to head to the Purchase order List View ( Purchase > Purchase > Purchase Orders , accessed via the Uprow menu), and select the PO you want to cancel, click on the Cancel Order to cancel the PO.
A pop-up box will appear asking you if you want to cancel the PO. Select Yes .
How to Cancel an Item in the PO
To Cancel an item in the purchase order, go to the Purchase order List View ( Purchase > Purchase > Purchase Orders , and select the PO you want to cancel item from, click on the Cancel Item .
A pop-up box will appear in which you can see all the items in the respective Purchase order. Find the item and write the quantity you want to cancel in Quantity to cancel box.
Click on proceed .