Sale Orders Overview:
Sales orders (SOs) are temporary order documents that record planned sales. A sales order specifies the details about products and/or services ordered by a specific customer along with the price, quantity and terms and conditions.
The initial status of an Order is 'Pending'; when you enter the shipment of all the items in an order in delivery note(s) or when you directly issue sales invoice(s) for the order, Uprow marks the Order as “Completed”.
Before we look at how to how to add, edit and Cancel a Sale Order in Uprow, let’s take a look at the Sale Order section in Uprow itself, to give you an overview on what’s on the screen so as to better familiarize yourself with it.
To begin, select Sale > Invoice and navigate to the Sale Orders screen.
This is where you’ll find all your existing Sale Orders, and where you’ll be able to add new Sale Orders.
Sale Order List View:
The SO List View is in reference to the columns occupying this section.
This is where you can select which all columns you want to see in your SO list view.
How to Create SO in Uprow
1. To create a SO, go to Sale > Invoice > Sale Order on the left sidebar.
2. Click on the + New Sale Order button placed on top of the Sale Orders window to create a new
Sale Order.
3. Select the configuration if you are using multiple configurations.
4. Press ENTER on the Customer and select from Customers pop-up screen. If the customer is not
available, to add a new Customer, click on create new customer link at the bottom of the popup
and then specify Customer's Name, Address, City, Phone and Email and any other necessary
5. Enter the delivery Date for the whole order.
Alternatively, you can also enter the due date of a particular item by entering the due date in the
Due Date column in the Order Items list, for the particular item.
6. Select how you want to do the tax calculation.
7. Enter the SO Payment Terms from the list to define when you will pay for the current purchase.
8. Enter the reference doc number if any.
9. Repeat the following until you add all the items that the customer ordered:
a. Either specify the Item Code or press ENTER in Code to select from the pop-up screen.
b. Enter the ordered quantity in Qty .
10. Go to the Salesman column and select a sales person.
You can choose separate sales person for different products by clicking on the dropdown option.
Otherwise, assign all items to be delivered by one sales person by choosing carry forward
salesperson in sale order settings.
11. To remove an item added wrongly to the SO,
a. Press bin icon on the respective item row. Delete confirmation appears.
b. Click OK in the delete confirmation.
12. You can give any documents note if you want.
13. Default terms and conditions can be mentioned in SO configuration screen, however you can
change those in real time also if you want.
14. In advance section you can see customer shipping address. You can change this address if
you want. The changes address will be your default address however both the address will be
saved for future purpose.
15. If you expect any SO level discounts, click on Discount and specify the Disc% (Cash Discount
percent) or the Disc Amt (Cash Discount Amount).
16. Click on Save .
How to take Advance/Deposit against Sale Order
1. On saving the Sale Order, a dialog box appears.
If you want to take a deposit from the customer, click Yes or otherwise click on No .
If you take a deposit, then a Advance Receipt would be created.
2. Click on Yes to indicate that you wish to take a deposit. A Deposit/Adjustment window appears
on the screen.
3. Write the amount in the Amount column and choose the Mode of Payment.
4. Click on Save button.
How to Edit a Sale Order in Uprow
To edit a SO in Uprow, all you need to head to the Sale Order List View ( Purchase > Purchase > Sale Orders , accessed via the Uprow menu), and select the SO you want to edit, click on the pencil icon to edit the SO.
This will open the page that you used to create the SO, with all the necessary details. Once you’ve completed your changes, click on SAVE to finalize your changes.
How to Cancel a SO in Uprow
To Cancel a SO in Uprow, all you need to head to the Sale Order List View ( Sale > Invoice > Sale Order, accessed via the Uprow menu), and select the SO you want to cancel, click on the Cancel Order to cancel the SO.
A pop-up box will appear asking you if you want to cancel the SO. Select Yes .
How to Cancel an Item in the SO
To Cancel an item in the Sale Order, go to the Sale Order List View ( Sale > Invoice > Sale Order , and select the SO you want to cancel item from, click on the Cancel Item .
A pop-up box will appear in which you can see all the items in the respective Sale Order. Find the item and write the quantity you want to cancel in Quantity to cancel box.
Click on Proceed .