Goods Inward Note Overview
Goods Inward Note is designed to enhance workflow by allowing warehouse staff to check and record Receipt product prices against the Purchase orders. Using the Goods Inward Note (GIN) screen, you can compare the purchase prices of the PO items against the supplier's invoice. Receipted quantities are recorded against the Purchase Order at the time of Purchase Invoicing only.
Note : When a purchase order has been fully receipted (no outstanding quantities) then this function will not be available.
If the PO prices and the supplier invoice prices are same, Uprow will automatically approve the Goods Inward Note. Use the approved GIN in Goods Receipt Note screen or in Purchase Invoice screen to receive stock.
If there is any differences between PO prices and the supplier invoice prices, Uprow will automatically marks the GIN as 'Unapproved'. Use GIN Approval to review the prices and taxes.
Note :
The initial status of GIN is 'Pending'; when you have received all the items of PO in purchase invoice, Uprow marks the GIN as “Received”. If there is any differences between PO prices and the supplier invoice prices, Uprow will automatically marks the GIN as 'Unapproved'. Use GIN Approval to review the prices and taxes. There are 2 options, you can either approve or reject the GIN.
Before we look at how to how to GIN in Uprow, let’s take a look at the GIN section in Uprow itself, to give you an overview on what’s on the screen so as to better familiarize yourself with it.
To begin, select Purchase > Purchase and navigate to the Goods Inward Note screen.
This is where you’ll find all your existing Goods Inward Notes, and where you’ll be able to add new GIN also.
GIN List View:
The GIN List View is in reference to the columns occupying this section.
Columns :
This is where you can select which all columns you want to see in your GIN list view.
Create Goods Inward Note
Note : You can select more than one PO at a time or a single Goods Inward Note can contain all or some of the PO items and its quantity; so you can create as many GINs as you need for a PO.
1. To create a Goods Inward Note go to Purchase > Purchase > Goods Inward Note
2. Click on the + New Goods Inward Note button placed on top of the GIN list to create a new GIN.
3. Select the configuration if you are using multiple configurations.
4. Select the Supplier from the supplier dropdown.
5. Click on [︙] button on upper right corner of the screen.
6. Click on Retrieve PO . List of all PO for this vendor will open up.
7. Select the PO which you want to convert into GIN and click on OK button. This will retrieve all the
items of PO. However if you want the see the items in the respective PO or if you want to retrieve
partial item quantity click on view items button.
8. Enter the Invoice Number, Invoice Date & Invoice Amount.
9. Click on Save to create the Goods Inward Note.
Note :If there is any difference between PO price and the Supplier's price or Tax%, uprow will mark the GIN as unapproved .
Convert GIN to Goods Receipt Note
If the PO and the supplier invoice are same, then the GIN will get saved which can be converted to Goods Receipt Note.
1. To create a Goods Receipt Note go to Purchase > Purchase > Goods Receipt Note
2. Click on the + New Goods Receipt Note button placed on top of the GRN list to create a new GRN.
3. Select the configuration if you are using multiple configurations.
4. Select the supplier from the supplier dropdown.
5. Click on [︙] button on upper right corner of the screen.
6. Click on Retrieve GIN. List of all the GIN for this vendor will open up.
7. Select the GIN which you want to convert into GRN and click on OK button. This will retrieve all the
items of GIN. However if you want the see the items in the respective GIN or if you want to
retrieve partial item quantity click on view items button.
8. Enter the Invoice Number, Invoice Date & Invoice Amount.
9. Click on Save to create the Goods Inward Note.