Setting up your Receipt Templates

Setting up your Receipt Templates

Handing your customers receipts after a sale is a required step for any business, not just in the sense of customer satisfaction – which it provides – but also in instances to protect the retailer.

This can be most commonly identified through customer refunds and/or disputes over a financial transaction where a receipt, can be the vital piece of document in ensuring that a sale and transaction was indeed valid.

In Uprow POS, receipts can be printed or emailed to the customer after every sale. You might want to customize receipts in the way you want them to look to your customers. That is why we created the Templates for your transactions so that, you leave your customers with not just an invoice or an order, but an impression that doesn’t fade away easily.

By default, Uprow Retail is equipped with  printing templates  that include all the standard information that Retailers might need when printing their:
  1. sales receipts,
  2. purchase orders,
  3. Stock transfers
  4. Credit Notes
  5. Advance Vouchers and
  6. Delivery Challans etc

  Before you begin, know what you can do with templates: You Can-

Add a new template or use one of the predefined templates.

Edit and customize a template in content arrangement, headers & footers, background images, color, font, font sizes etc.

Select the information that needs to be shown. 

Receipt Templates Overview

Before we look at how to add Receipt Printing Templates in Uprow, let’s look at the Receipt Printing Templates section in Uprow, to give you an overview on what’s on the screen for you to better familiarize yourself with it.

This is where you’ll find all of your existing Receipt Templates and where you’ll be able to create and edit receipt templates, as per your requirements.

General Information 

Sections that can be customized in templates.

  1. Template Properties
  2. Header & Document Information
  3. Item Table
  4. Total
  5. Footer

To customize templates,
Go to Admin > Settings > Printing Templates

Here you will see all your receipt templates for different vouchers. If you want to choose any other
        template click on + New  Template button.  

Choose Templates from the sidebar.
Here you can choose the module for which you wish to customize the template for,

o Sale/Wholesale Invoice
o Delivery Challan
o Quotation
o Credit Notes 
o Payment/ Receipts etc

This screen will allow you to create a template by asking you to choose one of a pre-loaded
        templates as the base.  
To edit a template, hover over the template you wish to edit and select the Use This button.

After editing, press the Save button to save the changes.

The customization panel has five sections:

  • Page Setup
  • Header
  • Item Table
  • Total
  • Footer 

Let’s take a detailed look at all these sections 

Page Setup: 

This section allows you to change the look of the template. You can add a template name, choose a paper size or setup paper margin or even add a background image.  



Template Name

Name of the template that you customize according to your wish.

Paper Size

This is for printing purposes. Either A4 or Letter sizes can be selected.

Margins (in inches)

Margins present around the template.

Background Image

Add a background image of your company’s logo or any image you want

Background Image Position

 and adjust the image positioning from the drop down provided.

Header :

This section allows you to change the look of the header and the information present in the document. Customize the background image, position and even the header content.



Background Image & Position

Background image for the header section can be added here

Background image Position

Background image position can be set from the drop down.

Document Title, Font & Color

Customize the title of the document and also customize the font size and color as you wish.

Company Name

Check the box to Show Company Name. Customize the font color and size.


            If you wish to hide any of the fields from the template, check the box present next to the field off.

Item Table 
This section allows you to show or hide columns related to the items table and customize those labels. Also you can customize the way item table looks, from table header to item row in layout section.

Item Name
Item Short Name
Item Description
HSN Code
Salesman Short Name
Batch No.
Bar Code
Sp Disc(%)
Taxable Value
Tax Amount
Net Amount
Gross Amount

If you want to hide any of the fields from the template, unmark the box next to the field.

Customize the background color, font color, font size and of Table Header, Item Row and also the font size and color of Item Description.

This section allows you to show or hide labels related to the Total section and customize those labels. Also you can customize the way Total section looks in layout section.

The following field labels can be renamed as you see fit:
Sub Total
MISC Charges

If you wish to hide any of the fields from the template, check the box present next to the field off. 
At times, you might need to show the number of items on the transaction. Checking the Quantity box will help you in showing the number of items present.

You can even configure which payment details you want to show in your receipt 


Customize the font size, color and background color of GST table section. 

This allows you to customize labels related to Notes, Terms & Conditions, and Signature.
Also you can customize the way the content related to Notes, Terms & Conditions by adjusting their font size.

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